Home2022Bloomer Park – Volunteer Slots

Bloomer Park – Volunteer Slots

Race week is here again (already?!) and this week we’ll be at Bloomer Park in Rochester Hills, Michigan on the other side of the state.

The registration deadline is tonight at midnight, so be sure to get registered.

A special note: Many thanks to Jeff Wert for setting up his truck to bring the trailer home on Sunday this weekend. We still need a volunteer to get the trailer home on Sunday after Heritage Park and Lakeshore Park. As the YouTubers say, “Smash that button” and let’s get this done so we can have a team area at the three Detroit-area races. Thanks!

Pre-Rides: Saturday 10am Varsity / JV / Advanced MS

The Course – Bloomer Park is a compact city park with a great variety of trail from singletrack to wide two-tracks. There are plenty of places to pass, and the course isn’t very hilly (certainly nothing like Owasippe). The advanced course uses a section of trail called “Art’s Lungbusters” which is a series of short steep climbs and descents in sequence, punctuated by roots and speed-killing turns. It’s only about 10% of the course, however. Both the advanced and novice courses are fast and tend to favor riders who can accelerate quickly out of turns.

Trail maps are hard to follow at Bloomer without a GPS link. Like Owasippe, there are intersecting trails and two-tracks all over the place, so you can try this map, but plan to use the GPS file if you can!