Email Newsletter – 6/21/21
Our latest email newsletter has a practice schedule, some exciting news about relaxed COVID regulations, and a link to our gear store. Read more here.
Our latest email newsletter has a practice schedule, some exciting news about relaxed COVID regulations, and a link to our gear store. Read more here.
Our latest newsletter has practice schedules, a WORS race writeup and more! Read all about it…
We now have racer bios on the website. Here is how you build one.
New this year we’re asking you to RSVP for practice. Coaches: Please RSVP Riders: Please RSVP Parents who are going to ridealong: Please RSVP Basically with our explosive growth, it’s important to figure out who’s coming each week and who isn’t (especially during June and July). So, please head on over to the practice schedule page and scroll down until …
Our newsletter today contains: Practice schedule The practice schedule says grades “8-12” when it should say grades 6-12. Sorry about the typo. If you are a 6th/7th grader, you train with the MS/HS team for sure. 🙂 See you on the trail! COVID clarifications GET SOME! (read it here)
Here are the slides from our parent information night and our coach orientation night. If you have questions shoot us an email: Parent Information Slides We hosted our annual parent information meeting (in Zoom again this year) on Wednesday, June 2nd. Click the image to see the slides. Coach Orientation Slides Coach Zuelke presented a Coach Orientation program on …
Coyotes, friends, family, fans, trail rippers and pop-sippers… the kit shop is open for 2 weeks. Order before midnight June 13th to get your paws on some sweet looking Coyotes kits! Our old jerseys, gloves and socks have limited inventory. That store is open as long as we have items to sell. It’s a great way to get your hands …