Year-End Party!

It’s the time of year when we turn our attention to a year-end party. This year the party will be at Townsend Park in Cannon Township. The fireplace-heated stone building should be a little warmer than our outdoor freeze-fest of last year, and the playground and lawns around the building provide us some access to outdoor spaces if the weather is nice.

Your Job:

  1. RSVP (and comment with the number of guests…)
  2. Sign-up to help with food.

If you have questions or want to help, please email the Super-Official Party Planning Committee (probably best to group email them)

  • Aimee Whitmer
  • Beth Baltruczak
  • Jennifer Hoogeveen
  • Katrina Broughton
  • Megan Miller

MANY THANKS to these five people willing to give some time and effort to setup a great party for us!