Season-long Trailer-Tow Sign-up genius – Use this link to signup to tow the trailer. We reimburse miles, and you’ll earn the eternal gratitude of the team. 🙂 There are also slots to help plan the end-of-season party.
Saturday Sign-Up-Genius: Use this link to sign up for food slots setup/takedown on Saturday for Owasippe. You’ll be grilling this week! So get clickin’
Sunday Sign-Up-Genius: Use this link for Sunday’s food slots. Jeff Minnerick is doing pulled pork and Mac-n-cheese for us, so we don’t need those items, but we need to compensate Jeff for his catering genius.
- Please consider making a donation to Jeff to thank him for sitting out all night (in the rain, potentially) cooking our meal. His Venmo is @Jeff-Minnerick and has an image of a pig grilling out. This will be the best meal of the season. 🙂
Race Day Volunteers: Owasippe is one of two “home races” for the Coyotes. As such we are expected to fill the majority of volunteer slots during the race (e.g. Course Marshalls, staging assistance, etc). Most of the work is fun, low-key, and a great way to make race day more enjoyable. Course marshals specifically get the best spectator spots, and they get to cheer on their own kids from deep in the woods. It’s a pretty good gig overall.