2020 Practice Guidelines

COVID-19 requires that we put some protocols into place to keep your riders safe at practice. We are asking for your help in making this happen. Parents, please talk this over with your kids prior to attending practice. Riders, please do your best to adhere to these safety protocols. Nobody enjoys being kept apart, but if we all do our part we can have a safe and fun season.

Before practice:

  • Be sure you know your pack assignment. We are asking you to “report” to your pack when you arrive, stay together as a pack and socially-distance from other packs in the parking areas to the extent possible.
  • Be sure you’ve registered fully for the team. We’ve been contact people who didn’t complete their registration. Riders who are not registered for WMCR will not be able to ride with the team. Riders who haven’t filled out the waivers cannot ride with the team
  • Fill out the COVID-19 symptom checker (every practice). Riders who haven’t done the symptom checker cannot ride with the team.
  • Porta-potties/outhouses are located at most trailheads and open for public use. Masks and hand sanitizer (which is often, but not always inside the bathroom) are strongly recommended for anyone using these facilities.

At practice:

  • Please report to your group. Pack leaders will take attendance and they know who is in their group.
  • Stay with your pack unless a pack leader re-assigns you for some reason.
  • Adhere to social distancing requirements to the extent possible, at all times: 6′ when not riding, 12′-18′ on the trail
    • 2 bike lengths = 12′, which is the minimum safe-following distance for riding regardless of the pandemic so this isn’t really a new thing, just something we’re asking you to keep a lookout for while riding.
    • When we stop to regroup, please stay 6′ apart (1 bike length) at a minimum
  • Keep an eye on your pack leader and sweeper. We want to keep the packs together.

After practice:

  • Check-out with your pack leader before you leave for home. We are responsible for the riders and will go back into the woods searching for them if they aren’t checked out.
  • Let us know if you thought your pack was too fast, too slow, etc. We will do our best to observe this as well, but your opinion matters too!