2024 Practice Pack Placement (all riders K-12)

We use “practice packs” to sort riders by speed, ensuring a group of relatively similar riding speeds at practice. This helps build confidence and friendships as the group of riders stays the same throughout most of the Session 1 season.

  • Practice packs have roughly 10-12 riders.
  • Practice packs have at least 2 coaches at all times.
  • Practice packs are “no-drop” so the group you start each practice with is the group you finish practice with.
  • Practice packs are how you check-in at the start of practice, and check-out at the end.
  • Most trail riding will be done with your practice pack.
  • Parking lot games, skill work, and other non-trail riding is often done in larger groups, but always check-in with your pack leader when you arrive at practice, and check-out when you are ready to depart.

Time Trial for Pack Placement

To get you placed into a practice pack, we ask each rider to complete a 10-20 minute time trial lap on a novice-friendly singletrack loop. The loops we have selected are easy enough for Novice Elementary school riders to complete with their parents.

For our Advanced MS / JV / Varsity racers, please run your hot lap on your own (when we’re not also shuttling novice elementary riders through the course) to minimize the potential for chaos.

If you want to volunteer to assist at the Coach Supported TT rides, we’d love to see you there!

We are offering two time-trial locations for practice pack placements. This should make it easier to find your way to one or the other. Our goal is 100% time-trial placements for riders so that we have you in a good practice pack to start the season!

  1. Pick a time trial location from below
  2. If you want to ride it on your own, ride the loop (maps and Strava links below) and submit your time on this google form.
  3. If you want coach support, show up on the date/times listed and we’ll be there to help you out, ensure you don’t get lost, etc. Our coach-supported TT rides will have parents/marshals to assist with wayfinding, and we’ll record your times for you.

Location 1: Owasippe Green Loop (open through June 9th then closed until mid-August)

If you’re running the TT self-guided, that’s fine by us! Please note your time for the loop described on Strava as “Green Loop” at Owasippe (pictured below). The loop starts and ends at the trail sign on the edge of the woods.

  • Segment details on Strava: https://www.strava.com/segments/10488460
  • Optional: Coach Supported Ride – Saturday, June 1st, 10am-1pm. Meet at the Owasippe Trailhead Parking lot. There is a parking fee, but we have details (in Band) about how to get this waived for Coyotes. Please RSVP in Band for this rides if you plan to attend.
  • Pro Tip: If you haven’t done Owasippe before, it can help to ride this loop once not for time before you roll it at speed. There are a lot of two-track crossings and it can get confusing if you’ve never been there before.
Owasippe Green Loop Segment on Strava

Location 2: Luton Blue + Green Loops

If you’re running the TT self-guided, that’s fine by us! Please note your time for the loop described on Strava as “Luton Park Green and Blue” at Luton County Park in Rockford. The loop starts and ends at the 10 Mile Rd. parking lot as pictured below.

  • Segment details on Strava: https://www.strava.com/segments/8204824
  • Optional: Coach Supported Ride – Thursday, May 30th at 6:30 pm. Meet at Luton Park’s trailhead parking lot. Please RSVP in Band for this ride if you plan to attend.
  • Pro Tip: Blue has two optional singletrack additions. Skip those to match this segment. Green has a new section that turns right just after you re-enter the green grail from your blue loop. Stay left here (the shorter route) to stick to the segment. If you’re a Luton veteran, this will make sense. If you’re new, roll it once not for time to ensure you know what you’re doing.
Luton Blue/Green Combo Loop on Strava