2025 Parent Information Night: TBA
To register for the team, visit our “Join the Team” which has direct links to the registration forms.

Parents, the MISCA season is fast and furious. We have 6 races in a short period of time and suddenly it’s over as quickly as it began.
Stay in the loop in three easy steps
To ensure you are well-informed about practice schedules, last-second changes, race-day setup and everything else going on with the team, we ask you to do three different things:
- Join the team (registration opens in March)
- Sign up for our email newsletters. We’ll get you ready for practice each week, help you prepare for race-day, review major events, post links to photos, and announce gear-sales before they happen in our newsletter. We send out weekly newsletters from May through October. You can sign up for the newsletter by filling out the form that shows up on this web page.
- Join our group on the Band app. We use Band for practice schedules, notifications, last-second changes. Team members use the Band app to swap gear, share photos, get their questions answered, and connect with each other for carpools. This is private to team members, so your membership request in Band will be approved once you’re on the team.
It’s not exactly a well-oiled machine, but if you do these things, you’ll be in the loop. We communicate everything through Band and social media. If you follow up, you’ll know where to be and when to be there. Let’s do this!
You might also enjoy our social media accounts:
Facebook: LIKE us to view pictures and information. Just about anything posted here already went out as a newsletter. So we’d consider this a “fun but optional” communications channel.
Instagram: We post on Instagram A LOT… because the internet clearly needs more of our highly curated nonsense. Expect photos, announcements, snacks (obviously), and just the right amount of chaos. Honestly, if it’s here, it’s probably a practice or race day play-by-play…or a gripping documentary on snack consumption in its natural habitat. Follow along for the thrills, spills, and snack-fueled drama.
When and where do the Coyotes practice?
- West Michigan is the proud home to a number of great trails. We move practice around to enjoy them all. Check on the “Practices” page for details on where/when. Check the Trails page for information on how to get to each trail.
- Times – Practice times vary by time of year (but generally in the evenings). Be sure to sign up for emails, texts, and Facebook to receive updated information quickly!
What does practice look like?
Each practice is usually a mix of skill-building, endurance building, and team building. We split riders into packs based on their speed to encourage consistent instruction/coaching. Once you are fully registered for the Coyotes your child receives a pack assignment. If you don’t know your pack, please contact the coaches.
What does my rider need to bring to practice?
- Your Bike – in good working order. As noted at our parent information nights, we don’t really have the time in our short practice window to fix bikes. A pre-season tuneup is a good idea. Our sponsor shops (Freewheeler Bike Shop and Loose Spokes Bike Shop) both offer discounts to team members, as well as generous contributions to our team’s wellbeing.
- Your Helmet – free of crash-related damage or cracks. Helmets are mandatory. We sometimes throw some extras in the trunk of our car, but please try to remember yours.
- Water bottle – with water or a sports drink. We are sponsored by Hammer Nutrition. Contact a coach for how to place an order and out team-sponsor discount.
- Healthy Snack for afterward
- Bug Spray – #puremichigan ticks are not our friends, mosquitos are horrible creatures
- Bike Light (late September & October). We have a set for check-out as well, but if you have your own, bring it for sure.
- Appropriate Clothing – check the weather forecast (on cooler days, have something warm to wear after or a change of clothes).
- Waivers and Forms filled out and signed ahead of time (if this is your first practice). This is mandatory to get going.
What does race day look like?
Race days for MiSCA are historically Sundays. We will update our Racing Page with any information we get, as soon as we get it.
Race Day Checklist:
- Bike – In good working order.
- Helmet – In good working order.
- Change of Clothes – There’s a good-sized delay between the races and the podiums. Plan to eat lunch at the race (see comments about food/drink below). It’s a fun time to bond as a team and racing makes riders really, really hungry.
- Camp Chair(s) – for parents and riders (look for our Coyotes tent to set them up)
- Water bottle – with water or a sports drink for before/during your race
- Sunscreen and/or Bug Spray
- Food/Drink (there will be a sign-up sent out prior to race-day to bring team snacks and pot-luck lunch (post-race). All family members are welcome! Races take place mid-day and your rider will get hungry. Plan to eat at the race and plan to bring food to share!