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Race Review – Bloomer Park

MiSCA’s fourth race of the year saw a continuation of Coyote dominance at the elementary and high school levels with both teams capturing first place again this week.

The Bloomer course has served as the state championship the last two years. Its mix of technical and short punchy climbs and flat, twisty single track provides enjoyment and exciting racing without too much drama. This year, over 5″ of rain fell in the Detroit area in the week leading up to the race providing the added “excitement” of an incredibly muddy infield loop, as well as massive liquid mud pits for the morning races. Varsity racers returned to the tent post-race with several pounds of mud attached to their frames, wheels, and drivetrains with at least a few JV racers completely losing the ability to shift on their final lap. It wasn’t Iceman/Mudman Cometh but it was the next best thing. Bloomer provided a hose and most riders got to wash off their bikes before the long drive home to West Michigan.

Luke Zuelke en route to victory

Luke Zuelke repeated his winning ways from Merrell last week, with another victory. Luke’s race was largely won on the 3rd lap (of 4) when he opened up a 24-second gap on the field after 2 laps of tight racing among the lead group. Luke’s performance should move him into 3rd in the overall series points race when the results show up online later today (as I write this, they’re not online yet).

Camille Natter was busy winning her 2nd race in a row

Other race winners included Camille Natter (Novice HS Female), Sammy Weaver (Upper Elementary Female), Tristan Hubbard (Upper Elementary Male), and Luke DeWall (Advanced Elementary Male).

Varsity Boys Podium

In what has become a weekly tradition, the Upper Elementary girls swept the podium (pictured below) powering the Coyotes to another elementary team victory. Sammy Weaver has now won 3 of the 4 races this year in her class, cementing a commanding lead in the overall points competition.

Upper Elementary Girls’ Podium

In the Varsity Girls race, all three Coyote women made the podium for the first time this year. Anabel Miller (2nd), Madine Whitmer (4th), and Addison Forrester (5th) finished on the podium, modeling the future for our younger female riders. Great work ladies!

Varsity Girls Podium

Finally, for most of our riders, half the fun of race day is hanging out with friends, including those from other teams. We snapped a photo of some of our older riders enjoying lunch in the tent, and some camaraderie. Starting from Hans (the adult in the yellow coat) and going clockwise, you have Emma Cavner, Anabel Miller, Lauren Schulz (Independent), Cullen Perkey (Wheels in Motion), Addison Forrester, Luke Zuelke, Eric Hoffman, Silas Ondersma, and Jacob Boon (in the middle of the circle). Thanks for keeping them in line Hans!

Post-race tent-time

Podium Finishes


  • Luke Zuelke, 1st, Male
  • Anabel Miller, 2nd, Female
  • Madine Whitmer, 4th, Female
  • Addison Forrester, 5th, Female

Junior Varsity

  • Gerrit Boer, 2nd, 9-10 Male

Novice HS

  • Camille Natter, 1st, Female

Novice MS

  • Brigid Whitmer, 4th, Female
Luke DeWall, the ultimate warrior, with a great finish in the mud!!!

Advanced Elementary

  • Luke DeWall, 1st, Male
  • Reese Drajka, 2nd, Female
Tristan Hubbard’s finish for Upper Elementary

Upper Elementary

  • Tristan Hubbard, 1st, Male
  • Sammy Weaver, 1st, Female
  • Laila Hubbard, 2nd, Female
  • Landree Darnell, 3rd, Female
  • Hazel Cherney, 4th, Female
  • Ava Martin, 5th, Female

Lower Elementary

  • James Broughton, 5th, Male

Other Finishers


  • Bryce Natter, 7th, Male
  • Eric Hoffman, 20th, Male
  • Silas Ondersma, 28th, Male
  • Jacob Boon, 35th, Male

Junior Varsity

  • Drake Marine, 6th, 9-10 Male
  • Haydon Frehr, 9th, 9-10 Male
  • Bodelle Spearman, 9th, Female
  • Ezra Greene, 12th, 11-12 Male
  • Owen Tesch, 18th, 9-10 Male
  • Florenc Loewen, 21st, 11-12 Male
  • Levi Minnerick, 32nd, 9-10 Male
  • Jeremy Blocks, 35th, 9-10 Male
  • Bridger Hoogeveen, 36th, 9-10 Male

Advanced Middle School

  • Brevin Martin, 6th, Male
  • Emma Cavner, 8th, Female
  • Marley Marine, 9th, Female
  • Indio Segerlind, 10th, Male
  • Henry Wert, 17th, Male

Novice HS

  • Desiree Tuohy, 8th, Female
  • Henry Mears, 26th, Male

Novice MS

  • Easton Roberts, 6th, Male 7
  • Braedon Fournier, 17th, Male 7

Advanced Elementary

  • Will Hughes 6th, Male
  • Kellen Carpenter, 10th, Male

Upper Elementary

  • Jose Maria-Galvez, 15th, Male
  • Harper Roberts, 15th, Female
  • Erin Hughes, 17th, Female

Lower Elementary

  • Isaac Lilly, 32nd, Male
  • James Cherney, 35th, Male
Levi and Bridger (and is that Jeremy right behind them?)


Photos have been moved to the team Dropbox. We want your photos too! If you’d like to join the team Dropbox please email wmcoyotesmtb@gmail.com and we will add you.

  • Upload your photos to share with the team (in all their hi-resolution glory!)
  • Download photos of your kids shared by other parents on the team
Madine Whitmer, Bodelle Spearman, Emma Cavner, Anabel Miller, Lauren Schulz (Ind.), Katie Droese (Brighton), Addison Forrester, Luke Zuelke, Drake Marine, Jacob Boon, Eric Hoffman