HomeUncategorizedState Champions, Bloomer Recap, and End-of-Season Party

State Champions, Bloomer Recap, and End-of-Season Party

Double State Champions has a nice ring to it.
Middle School State Championship Award Presentation
Undefeated Season – 2019
High School State Championship Award Presentation
Perfectly Posed Team Photo? Hardly.
An exciting and hard-earned Championship? Absolutely.

Well, it’s been a busy week, Coyotes! On Sunday we had our final race (Bloomer Park in Rochester Hills), won a double State Championship and came home with some great memories of the racing season. Then, last night on Tuesday we had our team end-of-season party at Cannonsburg, complete with Tacos and a very brief night ride (on the pump track for most of you) and some spectacular (but not unexpected) lightning and rain.

For the most part this newsletter, website, our Remind.com texts, Facebook page, and other media will go pretty quiet for a few months. That’s the nature of the end of the season and the start of the dark months of Michigan winter. Some of you will be at Peak-to-Peak this weekend, others at the Iceman Cometh Challenge in November and still others grinding it out in the snow over the winter on their fat bikes. For the most part though, this will be the last newsletter until April or May. So enjoy your offseason and we’ll all look forward to talking with you in the spring!

Final Standings – State Championships

The Coyotes had several finishers on the podium (Top 3) for the overall MiSCA Series at the end of the season. Points are calculated by taking the best 5 races any racer finished. This allows for a stray mechanical, illness or crash in one race without tanking someone’s prospects of achieving their goals. This practice is consistent with other race series as well. Full (final) series results are available at MiSCABike.org.

State Championship Podium Winners

Haydon Frehr – State Champion
Drake Marine – 2nd Runner Up
Boys Advanced Middle School
Final Standings, State Championship
Freida Kincaid – Runner Up
Girls Advanced Middle School
Final Standings, State Championship
Anabel Miller – Runner Up
Girls Varsity
Final Standings, State Championship
Brevin Martin – 2nd Runner Up
Boys Middle School 6th-7th
Final Standings, State Championship
Luke Zuelke – 2nd Runner Up
Boys Varsity
Final Standings, State Championship

All Coyotes that raced at least 3 races were eligible for the overall State Championships awards:

  • Marley Marine, Girls Upper Elementary, 5th Overall
  • Olivia Miller, Girls Middle School, 5th Overall
  • Leorah Roeber, Girls Middle School Advanced, 5th Overall
  • Eli Zuelke, Boys Middle School 6-7, 5th Overall
  • Madine Whitmer, Girls JV, 5th Overall
  • Nathaniel Vogler, Boys JV 11-12, 6th Overall
  • Brigid Whitmer, Girls Middle School, 7th Overall
  • Addison Forrester, Girls Varsity, 9th Overall
  • Raven Kincaid, Girls Varsity, 10th Overall
  • Levi Minnerick, Boys Middle School 6-7, 10th Overall
  • Adam Polmenteer, Boys Novice 10-12, 10th Overall
  • Bryce Natter, Boys Varsity, 11th Overall
  • Isaiah Roeber, Boys Middle School Advanced, 11th Overall
  • Henry Wert, Boys Upper Elementary, 11th Overall
  • Spencer Foster, Boys Lower Elementary, 12th Overall
  • Owen Tesch, Boys Middle School 8, 12th Overall
  • River Bouman, Girls Upper Elementary, 13th Overall
  • Eric Hoffman, Boys JV 9-10, 16th Overall
  • Tim Knape, Boys Middle School 8, 18th Overall
  • Vaughn White, Boys Middle School 6-7, 20th Overall
  • Nicholas Budden, Boys Varsity, 23rd Overall
  • Jacob Boon, Boys JV 9-10, 25th Overall
  • Josiah Taylor, Boys Middle School 6-7, 34th Overall
  • Owen Handwerk, Boys JV 9-10, 39th Overall

Bloomer Park Race Review

The Coyotes are State Champions for both Middle School and High School Composite XC MTB! This, in our third year! It goes without saying that we’re incredibly proud of the effort all our racers put with the Yellow and Blue on each week. MiSCA puts together by far the most well-attended youth series in Michigan, and we wish to express our thanks for their hard work.

At the final race, the Coyotes took 2nd in the H.S. Division and 1st in the Middle School race (capping an undefeated Middle School season!). Those finishes were enough to earn the overall State Championship trophies for both.

Podium Results:

Other Results:

  • Marley Marine, Girls Upper Elem, 6th
  • Nathaniel Vogler, Boys JV 11-12, 6th
  • River Bouman, Girls Upper Elem, 7th
  • Brian Miller, Coaches Race, 7th
  • Adam Polmenteer, Boys Novice 10-12, 7th
  • Brigid Whitmer, Girls MS, 7th
  • John Frehr, Coaches Race, 12th
  • Bryce Natter, Boys Varsity, 12th
  • Spender Foster, Boys Lower Elem, 14th
  • Eric Hoffman, Boys JV 9-10, 14th
  • Levi Minnerick, Boys MS 6-7, 15th
  • Henry Wert, Boys Upper Elem, 15th
  • Nicholas Budden, Boys Varsity, 16th
  • Eli Zuelke, Boys MS 6-7, 16th
  • Jacob Boon, Boys JV 9-10, 28th
  • Owen Handwerk, Boys JV-9-10, 43rd

End-of-Season Party Pictures

Our end of season party was at Cannonsburg, featured Taco Tuesday, a campfire on the deck, chilly wet weather, great food from parents and a brief but spectacularly lit night ride!

Racers all received personalized top-tube stickers, a Pack Loyalty Certificate, cycling socks and two free tacos. In short, it was a nice evening to celebrate each rider and their progress this season. Turns out, riding bikes in the woods is pretty fun!

Here are a few pictures from the evening:

THANK YOU Sponsors!

Finally, a huge thank you to our sponsors. This whole team is paid for by your donations. THANK YOU!

Jason Ryan – State Farm Insurance Agent
Central District Cyclery
Breakaway Bicycles and Fitness GH/Muskegon
Velocity USA
Hammer Nutrition
Garrison Dental Solutions | Sectional Matrix System | Composi-Tight
ElectroMedia Inc.
Campus West
Vie ƐƖ Kustom Apparel
West Michigan Coast Riders
MiSCA Michigan Scholastic Cycling Association
Joe D. Arbutante D.D.S. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry