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MISCA Race #6 – First Place Middle School!

Today was the Coyotes Final Race of the season and our team enjoyed the chilly temperatures. We even had a little snow flying during our races. All Riders raced their hearts out today and we are so proud of all the things they have accomplished this season.

The Coyotes continued their successful ways and captured 7 podium spots and earned a 1st Place Overall for the Middle School Team. For the MiSCA Series Final Standings Raven, Anabel, and Haydon took home the Top Trophy in their respective categories. Way to go!!!

Also the Parent’s and Coaches out did themselves by having an extremely well setup Tent Area. They brought in a few portable Heaters and had many Blankets ready for the riders when they got done racing. We were able to get everybody warm and keep them warm. Thank You All for making that happen!!! And the Food was great too!

Coyotes Middle Schoolers finish the day in 1st place overall as a team
The Coyotes showed up in force on a cold and rainy fall day in Harrison, MI
Raven takes the Junior Varsity State Championship! Way to go!
Haydon with his Middle School State Championship Trophy.
Nicely Done Haydon!!!
Anabel takes Advanced Middle School State Championship and Freida finishes third. WAY TO GO COYOTES!
The Boys Advanced Middle School State Championship final standings featured Nicholas Budden with a strong third place showing in a very competitive field (including winner Easton Foster who is now a Coyote as well!). Great job Nick!
Our Tent was the best Decorated Tent.
Mr. H cooking up some food and keeping all the riders happy. Thank You!
Jacob and Bryce line up at the Start.
Nicholas off to a fast start.
Luke earns a hard fought 4th Place Finish in the varsity race (as a 9th grader!). The future looks bright for the Coyotes.
Coach Z finally gets something to eat.
Nathaniel and Eric are ready to roll.
Luke has an excellent start.
Raven takes 1st place in JV Race.
Jacob on last lap of his race.
Nicholas hot on the wheels of 1st and 2nd place going through the woods.
Anable again has complete focus as she charges toward the finish line for today’s win and capturing the State Title for Advanced Middle School Riders
Nicholas focused at Start.
Raven all smiles at the Start Line, just prior to another convincing victory.
Freida turned in three fast laps to finish in a strong third place at this race.
Nicholas takes 4th place.
Freida and Anabel enjoy a Fist Bump at the Start Line.
Haydon at the Start Line in the Leader Jersey.
Anabel takes 1st and Freida takes 3rd in the Advanced Middle School Race.
Raven crossing the finish line enroute toward the win and Series Title.
Haydon taking charge in the Middle School Race, taking 1st place, retaining the Leader Jersey, and Winning the State Title. Way to go Haydon!!!
Group Ride before the Races. Yes I think I see Jacob B behind Eli. Jacob was advoiding my camera all day, but I got you.
Drake is talking to Eli just out of camera range.
Eli did smile for me at the start line.
Haydon takes 1st and Drake takes 3rd in the middle school race.
Olivia was bare knuckles in the 34 degree temps. That’s one tough young lady.
Bryce had his best race of the season for a top ten finish.
Nathaniel starting the 2nd Lap of his race.
Anabel and Freida get off the line quickly. Anabel finished with a race victory and the 2018 Middle School State Championship. Freida finished third overall in this race and the state series (as a 6th grader!). Coyotes are stacked for the future.
Drake with his classic out of saddle charge toward the finish line to earn 3rd place.
Bryce and Nicholas were happy with their day on the course and their season in the saddle with the Coyotes. Nice work gents!
Eric going uphill by the feed zone.
Luke finished a strong fourth place finish after racing Peak to Peak yesterday.
We had light snow overnight and temps in the low-30s during the race. #pureMichigan
Future Coyotes Marly and Henry had another successful day. Marley talking 2nd and Henry taking 5th.